
We understand here at our community care, that all people learn at different rates and that some people grasp concepts faster than others. In order to ensure that everyone learns at the proper pace needed to fully understand the concepts taught, all tutoring will be done one-on-one. If you have any questions, please email us at communitycare2006@gmail.com.


  • Math

  • English

  • History

  • Science

  • Piano Theory


Grades K-8 offered for math. This includes subjects from basic addition and subtraction all the way to basic algebra concepts.


Grades K-8 for both reading and writing are offered. This includes subjects from basic reading all the way to basic essay writing.


Grades K-8 offered in history and geography. This includes the very basics of American history all the way to world history.


Grades K-8 offered for science. This includes the very basics of science all the way to life science.

Piano Theory

Levels prep-6 offered for piano theory. Please keep in mind that piano theory is different than theory for other instrument, even though the basics for all of the instruments are the same.

Please Fill Out The Form Linked Below If You Wish To Be Tutored

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