Senior Center Activities

Here at our community care we work hand in hand with the local senior center to provide entertainment for the seniors in these troubling times. There are various activities that we provide, some in person, and some digital as a form of entertainment for the seniors.

Play Music for the Seniors: One thing we do it to play music for the seniors. Due to COVID we are unsure of whether this will be in person at the senior center, or online, and if it is online, whether it will be pre-recorded or live. However, even if we do go in person there will still be the option for anybody who wants to, to preform digitally. If it is preformed in person, the center has a piano to play on however all other instruments played must be brought by you.

Reading Books for the Seniors: Another thing that we do is to read books for the seniors, this can be nearly any book you like as long as it is appropriate. 

 If you wish to help participate in senior center activities please fill out the form linked below:

Senior Center Activities Volunteer Form

Linked below are some videos of pieces played at the senior center.

Sonata by Mozart

Praeludium by Bach

Harp by Prokofiev

Snow is Dancing by Debussy